Thursday, September 15, 2011

Message to the Prime Minister - Collection #1

Dear Prime Minister,

This is a collection of suggestions and messages from the Nepali public at the Facebook pages of Nepal Unites. We aim to continue to bring you a filtered selection of these messages to your email address. A full list is available at &

SHYAM TAMANG writes about our AIRPORT
"I went back to Nepal after 8-9 years. When I got in the airport, there were no trolly, no checking etc. When I finally got to the counter, the employer were extremely rude with everyone. (foreigners) and I don't even want to start with the washroom. Bottom line, the first expression for the foreigners are from the airport, if it is not clean, people are rude, and no system, how would any foreigners feel about the whole country. So, Mr. Bhattrai, please visit once to the airport and think about it."

This is a serious issue. We are making a real bad impression of the country. Apart from this, you will never notice this but the general public has difficulties coming inside but there are drug addicts who immediately surround tourists and ask money for handling their bags. Cleaning up our airport, and having well trained staff managing the airports will be an important step. Maybe a solution is to selective privatise services inside the airport, starting with cleaning / management of the airport at non-secure levels!

ASARAF REZA ANSARI writes about ACTION against CORRUPTION from Mahhotari
simple que frm me-yahale singha durbarma photo jhundyauna lai matra pm bannu bha ho bhane ta thikai 6a yadi hoina bhane tapai ko boliko kadar hos!
yaha aafaile bhannu va ho vrastacharprati sunya sahansilta hun6a bhanera tara yahakai party ucpn maoists ka karyakarta mahottari ma vrastachar birudha amaran ansan gareka 6an,khoi ta yahako sunya sahansilta,khai kei kadam nai chalnu va 6ain,vrastacharilai karbahi garnai saknu va 6aina.
ki feri uhi kura vannu hune ho ki hami chadai sambandhit nikayama van6au vanera-yasta ashwashan dherai suniyo.
ajhai kati sunnu parla plz answer dhat na mani dinu hola hai?

Some clear cut actions against corruption may need to bring about fast results. We realise some of the initiated takes time to materialise. The patience of the people is running out on corruption. Some sign that it is changing for the better is essential.

Mr.bhattarai,what iz nationality?????
Tapaile pm bhanepa6i aafno rastriyeta birsanubhayeko ho??hainabhane jatiyatako bakheda jhikera hamro rastriya posak kina hatako???sabai posak rastriya hunebhaye,sabai pan6i rastriya chara,sabai janawor rastriya janawor,sabai phul rastriya phul..bhayenan ra???esto huda hamile nepal lai k bhanera chinaune???euta dueta party lai manauna ko lagi rastriyeta ma khalal puryaune kam garne???

The issue of the National Dress has affected the pride of many a Nepali. We have very few things which bring up passion and pride of being a Nepali. The Everest Mountain is one, but one does not have regular contact with it. Buddha is another one, but thats something over 2500 years old. Small things that a common Nepali can 'touch' is required. This helps retain National Pride and bring Nepal together as a nation. People feel that this is lost at the moment!

I always was concerned about a TRAFFIC rule that lets(MAKES to be honest) a driver deliberately kill a person, if he accidentally hits a person, even if he gets no injuries. He is just sent to jail from where he is easily bailed out or completely ignored after paying some money. REALLY?? This needs to change. Accidentally hitting and crippling= lifetime care for the victim but killing them deliberately = pay the fine and go back to driving/killing?

This is another issue that is strange and causing Nepal's funny policies to be a laughing topic in international circles. Also it makes absolutely no sense.

SURINA KARKI writes about the FUTURE she wants for the country
U were considered as da lst ray of hpe 4 our country so its in ur hand either 2 provide us sme sign of relief or b 1 of those PM who jus came n went away. MR.PM,u r no longer underground where ur any blunder wont b cared,currently u r PM of NEPAL so plz b careful coz ur little slip can cause devastation here?&u no wot? There wont b any difference in betn u & other EX-PMS of our country if u jus kept on giving long&boring bhasans n forgetting ur responsibilities. U NO WOT? WE DON WANT U 2 TRANSFORM NEPAL INTO US OR SWITZERLAND BT WE WANT "NEPAL 2 B NEPAL ITSELF" SINCE OUR IDENTITY IS THERE. IT feels so disrespectful 2 talk 2 u in dis tone(i humbly apologize 4 dat,as am very junior 2 u) bt this is only thing dat i can say 2 u being da citizen of our country.SO PLZ B CONCERN 2 MAKE NEPAL A BETTER PLACE 2 LIVE IN(4 U ,4 MEH N 4 ALL OF US)

In short and cutting through the SMS english - that she does not want to live in US or SWITZERLAND but in NEPAL. She wants to live in NEPAL which remains as NEPAL.

Manche marne haru ko mudda kasari kunai party ko mudda huncha ra ?? Party ko kam manche marne haru lie bachaune ho ki desh bachaune ho? Kunai pani halat ma yesto prakar ko mudda haru firta line kura hami sahana sakdainau. Doshi lie mafi dine kam kunai pani halat ma na hos.

Pm lai bhani kura dherai cha tara hamro kura pahela ko pm haru lay jastai garni ta holani pm plz aba ati bhaisakyo gokarna bista sir lay jasto kam garera dekhaunu paryo. 10 jana gorkana sir jasto bhaya yo desh ma kehe tens hudaina thiyo hola. Jo pani kam bhanda kurai badi garni. . .

On a lighter note, DOC MASTERMIND writes about the LOADSHEDDING
Do smthng about loadshedin..natra baburam ji le mail nai check garna paudaina..& how wil he solve our problems!!!

Do let us know if this of any use, and if we should continue to send this selection. There is not much point 'spamming' your mailbox, or if it is not read and if these selections are useless.

- from the Nepali people

परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक (Nepal Unites)
Mobile update: sms 2426 and type Nepal

This campaign is a loose network of Nepalese individuals from all walks of life who are passionate about positive change in Nepal. This is entirely run by volunteers who contribute time and all the money to help out the campaign.

Monday, August 22, 2011

गर्न खोज्दा यहाँ के नहुने रहेछ त! ‍-सागर प्रसाईँ

- Sagar Parsain, orginally published in Hamro Kura.

म त्रिपुरेश्वरको कालमोचन मन्दिर पुग्दा मान्छेहरुको बाक्लै उपस्थिति भईसकेको थियो। म केहि काम विशेषले अलि ढिलो मात्रै त्यहाँ पुगेँ। नेपाल युनाईट्सको पहल र अरु धेरै फेसबुक भित्र र बाहिरका समुहहरुको समर्थन र सहयोग रहेको “मेरो देश मेरो दायित्व” अन्तर्गत “कालमोचन मन्दिरको सरसफाई र तथा रँगरोगन कार्यक्रम”को हामीले बिगत दुई हप्ता देखि फेसबुकमा भव्य प्रचार गरेका थियौँ।

हामीले फेसबुकमा बनाएको ईभेन्टमा पनि करिब १२०० जना साथीहरुले म आउँछु भन्ने प्रतिबद्धता गर्नु भएको थियो। हामीलाई थाहा थियो, वहाँहरु सबैजना त आउनुहुने छैन तर पनि पक्कै पनि राम्रो सहभागिता हुनेछ। र भयो पनि त्यस्तै। करिब ३५० जना साथीहरु स्वत-स्फुर्त रुपमा हाम्रो कार्यक्रम मा सहभागी हुनुभयो। विध्यार्थी, जागिरे, बिभिन्न सँस्थाका प्रतिनिधिहरु, प्रहरी, ट्राफिक प्रहरी सबैले मिलेर कालमोचनको मन्दिरलाई सफा गरियो। सुरुमा मन्दिरमा जम्मा भएको फोहोर र धुलो लाई सफा गरिसकेपछि हामीले त्यहाँ रँगरोगन गर्यौँ। हामीले हेर्दा हेर्दै करिब ३ घण्टामा कालमोचन मन्दिरले आफ्नो रुप नै फेर्यो।

कालमोचन मन्दिरको आफ्नै एउटा महत्वपुर्ण ईतिहास छ। धेरै अघि नेपालमा जति पनि राजनितिक कलहहरुमा मान्छेहरु मारिए, ती सबैको आत्माको मोचनको लागी यसै मन्दिरमा दाहासँस्कार गरिने हुनाले पनि यो मन्दिरलाई कालमोचन मन्दिर भनिएको हो। यस अर्थमा हेर्दा, यो मन्दिरले हाम्रो समाजमा समृद्ध वर्गले साना बर्गका मान्छेहरु माथि गर्ने गरेको ज्यादती र हिंसा हामीलाई सधैँ सम्झाईरहन्छ र अबको समाजमा सबैले मिलेर बस्नु पर्ने सन्देश पनि प्रतिकात्मक रुपमा प्रदान गर्छ। हामीले सुरुमा कालमोचन मन्दिरलाई सफा गर्ने भन्दा धेरैले किन त्यस्तो मान्छेहरुको कम आवत-जावत हुने मन्दिरलाई छानेको, बरु अलि चल्तीका मन्दिरहरु छानेका भए हुने भनेर पनि प्रतिक्रिया दिए। तर कालमोचन मन्दिरको ईतिहासबाट अहिले दिनै पिच्छे बिभाजित हुँदै गरेको हाम्रो समाजले पनि एकताको महत्व थहा पाउने भएकाले हामीले यहि मन्दिरलाई सुरुमा छानेका हौँ।

हामीले मन्दिरहरुमा रँग लगाई नसक्दै साँझ भईसकेकाले त्यो दिन त्यतिकै छोडेर हिड्न पर्यो। सबैजनालै मलाई सोध्नुभयो खोई त सुरु गरेको काम पुरा गर्न पनि सकिएन, अब के गर्ने? तर शनिबारको दिन सुरु गरेको काम त हामीले जनसहभागिता गराउन मात्र थालेको हौँ। त्यहि दिन पुरै मन्दिरमा रँग लगाईसक्ने त हाम्रो लक्ष्य पनि थिएन र त्यसो गर्न हामी सक्दैनौ थियौँ पनि। हामीले त केवल मानिसहरुलाई आफ्नो कर्तव्य आफै पनि पुरा गर्न सकिन्छ भनेर जागरुक गर्नलाई त्यो कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेको थियौँ र त्यसमा हामी सफल पनि भयौँ। र रह्यो कुरा पुरै मन्दिरको रँगरोगनको, हामीले त्यो काम गर्न व्यवासायिक पेन्टरहरुलाई ठेक्का दिईसकेका छौ। अबको हप्ता-दश दिन पछि कालमोचन मन्दिर बिल्कुलै चमक्ने छ र सँगसँगै हामीलाई गर्व हुनेछ, यो कार्यमा हाम्रो पनि सहभागिता थियो भनेर।

देशको परिवर्तन ठुला ठुला कुरा गरेर आउँदैन, बरु यस्तै साना साना काम गरेर आउँछ। हामीले आयोजना गरेको यो कार्यक्रममा सहभागी भएर,घाम पानी नभनि दिनभर खटेर काम गर्नुहुने सम्पुर्ण साथीहरुप्रति हामी अयन्त आभारी छौँ। हामीलाई फेसबुकमा गफ मात्र गर्ने समुह भनेर आरोप लाउनु हुने व्यक्तिहरुलाई यो कार्यक्रम गतिलो जवाफ हुने हामीले विश्वास लिएका छौँ। हाम्रा आगामी कार्यक्रमहरु पनि यहाँहरु यस्तै सहयोग र सद्‍भावको आशा राखेका छौँ।

अन्तमा, छोटो समयमा सबैले मिलेर सुन्दर बनाएको बागमतिको पुल र कालमोचन मन्दिर हेर्दा हामी अब गर्व साथ भन्न सक्छौँ, गर्न खोज्दा यहाँ नहुने के रहेछ त!



- Abhin Mishra

I got to know about the "Mero Desh Merai Dayitwa- Let's Clean up Kalmochan Temple" campaign nearly about a week ago. Kalmochan- a temple that has been part of our history.A temple whose completion took generations (from bhimsen thapa to jung -bahadur). A temple rumoured to have been the crematory ground to the victims of "Kot massacre" . A temple symbolyzing the hindu God "lord vishnu". An integral part of Nepal's dark period( The Rana Regime). So, it having a huge significance made my presence in the campaign moral.

The state of the temple was really heart-rendering though. A temple that holds so much of importance specially talking in terms of history, lay desserted, unnoticed and to some extent vilified . The walls were discolored. There were spider webs, dirts engraved on the walls , grasses croping out of every nooks and corners. Truly, it was a sight to see! A valuable cultural and historical heritage lay at the center of a commercial city nearly transformed into ruins! Neither the state mechanism , nor the millions of citizens(who walk past the temple everyday) seemed to care. No one seemed to understand that these countless "kalmochan's" are our common prerogative.

Realizing the importance I invited nearly 100 friends personally (who by the way were absolutely free on the particlular day) to the clean-up programme. I was shocked to see that not even one of them showed-up. Some went to beauty parlors, some went to watch "Captain America". And some even managed to take a day long nap ! But none of my 100 friends that I approached, had the time to be a part of a change. Some didn't want to rise ; while some were absorbed in their dreams. God knows when they are going to wake up !

"APATHY" as I see is the biggest hindrance . "why do I care?", "I don't get anything for this" ,"there are plenty other fools who are gonna do it. I will just support verbally.","let's go somewhere else, mall or cinema hall. what do you say? why waste time ?".The ego of "I" is so big, that we tend to forget that we are in fact betraying our family, friends, society and nationality as well.We tend to forget that "I" in fact is a very small part of "we".

However,"APATHY" is seen not just in terms of duties and responsibilities but in terms of rights as well. We face 16 hours of loadshedding per day.We are content saying, "I've got inverter, who cares?" We face acute water shortage but who cares when we are able to buy tanks and tanks of water? Let the average Nepali suffer and below average Nepali perish. We face a rent-hike by 2-3 rs per person if the petrol's price increases by 5rs per litre. We are content saying "I've got private transport, who cares? We close our nose while walking through dirty kathmandu roads. But, we are content in that our house smells of different types of fresheners. 25.4% of total population is under the poverty line. But we are content with our pocket money being more than average nepali's income. Where else can we find such content citizens?

Nepal today is at a very fragile place, more than it has ever been. Surely, there have been lots of transitional phases(wonder when the transition becomes a reality, stability though!) , but the point it stands on presently must be the saturation point. With the nation deciding to embrace republicanism , federalism ; there are lots of prospects for the future Nepal. It could go either way, uphill or downhill!

The country where more than 60 % of the citizens are Youth's , why is youth's voice hard to be heard? "Apathy", as I see it . How long are we gonna embrace this "apathy" instead of "accountability", instead of "responsibility"? How long are we gonna justify our state by swearing our neighbours and grandfathers? When are we gonna realize that, no one is going to change us? How long are we going to ignore the fact that , we need to change, not our nation? How long are we gonna sleep and dream that everything will be changed when we actually wake up. How long are we gonna criticize writers like me writing against "apathy" and turn the criticism towards the selfish individuality instead? How long before we realize that we are as much of our nation as nation is to ours? I don't know , I really don't know. Jay Nepal!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Open Letter to Sushil Koirala

Dear President,

At this current juncture of politics, the row growing between the aspirants to the position of Prime Minister within Congress has left Nepal people dismayed and disgruntled. What has become even more despicable is that the aspirants are not some who are looking to hold office for the first time. We will leave the judgment of their political success to history, because, Mr. President, we are writing this letter to inform you of many other issues pertaining to Nepal’s future than the power politics that seem to have grabbed the country’s attention.

The democratic index of the Economist magazine ranks Nepal 108th in the listing of total 167 countries. According to the index, Nepal is the second least democratic country in the SAARC region with Afghanistan (138th rank) standing as the most undemocratic in the region. Freedom house, an international organization promoting free institutions worldwide, gives us a low rank for political rights and civil liberties.

Mr. President, the values of freedom, democracy, right to speech and expression, the right to start a business - have never solidified even though Congress has been fighting for these values since the 1950s when this party played a historic role to oust the autocratic Rana regime. As citizens it makes us wonder – has Congress completed the vision and mission of B.P Koirala who at that time stood for democratic principles and values? Or is it also just another party that puts values below power - peace and a democratic constitution below the party members’ aspirations for power?

Mr. President, the performance of Congress in the last two decades has left a huge stain on Nepal’s development which will not be erased easily. Nevertheless, we believe, Mr. President, this crisis is perhaps the best opportunity for Congress to remove that stain by promoting the values of a democratic Constitution that the party advocated under the banner of B.P Koirala in the last century.

We wish you good luck,
Nepal Unites

जवाफ चाहियो हामीलाई

- Ujwal Thapa

हे नेपाल चलाउन शासकहरु,

तपाँईहरुले शासन चलाएको केहि समय भो, कोई कोईको त ५,१० ,१५, २० बर्ष नि भैसक्यो कि ? त्यसैले अब तुरुन्तै हामी नेपाली जनतालाई केहि प्रश्नका जवाफ चाहियो।

* यदि ३ वा ४ जनाले नै सबैकुरो मिलाउने हो भने ६०१ सभासद को के काम त ?

* नेपालमा उर्जाले देशको बिकास हुन्छ भनेर चिच्चाउछौँ , अरु देशलाई नि बेच्छौँ भने आस्वाशन दिन्छौ, तर किन त्यहि जलबिधुत उद्दोग लाई दु:ख दिन्छौ, लाईसेन्स राज चलाएर भागबन्डा खोजेर? फेरि अबको जाडोमा १४ देखि १६ घण्टाको लोडसेडिङ् खेप्न त हामी जनताले?

* किन जनतन्त्र र प्रजातन्त्रको कुरा गर्छौ जब किन आफ्नै पार्टीमा आफ्नो सभासदलाई संसदमा तपाँईले भने भनेकै कुरामा मात्र सहमत हुनैपर्ने विप जारी गर्छौ?

* किन युवा देशको भविश्य हो भन्दै भाषण छाँटछौँ जब कि सबैलाई थाहा छ हामी युवा यस देशको वर्तमान हौँ ? ८२% प्रतिशत नेपालीहरु ४० बर्ष भन्दा मुनिका छौँ ।

* किन अरु देशसगँ हात जोडेर भिख माग्छौँ जब कि बैदेशिक हस्तक्षेप नै चाहाँदैनौ भने ? ( एक तिहाई नेपाली अर्थतन्त्र बैदेशिक सहायतामा चल्छ) ?

* किन बागमती अझै गनाएर देशको लाज बनेको छ जब कि बिगतका २५ बर्षमा सयौँ संस्था र कयौँ सरकारी संस्था त्यसलाई सफा गर्न लाग्या छन् र अरबौँ खर्च गरेका छन् ?

* किन पारसदर्शिताको कुरा गर्छौ जब कि आफै लुकाउछौँ आफ्नो पार्टी चलाउने स्रोत वा कसबाट चन्दा लिनु हुन्छ वा कसरी त्यो पजेरो चढ्नुहुन्छ र त्यो कार्यकर्ता पाल्नु हुन्छ?

* किन आफुले चलाएका सरकारले मान्छे गन्दैनौ बाहिर गएर काम गर्ने स्वभलम्बी नेपालीहरुलाई? उनीहरुले पठाएका पैसाले नै यो नेपाली अर्थतन्त्र धानेको छ अहिले। ( पासपोर्ट लिनेको लाईन देख्नु भा छ ? बिमानस्थलमा हने अरब जाने, आउनेहरुको बेईज्जती, लुट्ने प्रवृति भोग्नु भा छ ?)

* किन १२०० नेपालीहरु लुखुरलुखुर दिनहुँ बाहिर अरबमा काम गर्न जानु पर्ने बाध्यता छ जब कि छिमेकी भारत र चीन चाहिँ बर्षको १०% ले फडको मार्दैछन् र देश फर्किएर आएका छन्?

* किन यत्रो आन्दोलन गरेर आउनु भो त यदि गाँस, बास र कपास भन्ने नाराहरु कुनै भित्तामा सिमित राख्ने हो भने ? (महँगी खेप्नुभाछ? हरेक बर्ष १० प्रतिशत भन्दा बढिको दरले आकाशिदै छ)

* अब तपाँईहरु किन चाहियो त हामीलाई, भन्नुहोस न, किन ?

धन्यवाद है, यी प्रश्नको उत्तरहरु दिनु हुन्छ भने अपेक्षा गर्दै


एक नेपाली (आफ्नो नाम यहाँ लेख्नुहोस)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

मावोवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डलाई खुला पत्र

आदरणीय अध्यक्ष महोदय,

कार्ल मार्क्सले एकपटक भनेका थिए, “सचेत नभईनजेलसम्म आवश्यकता भन्ने चिज आफैमा दृष्टिबिहिन हुन्छ। स्वतन्त्रता भनेकै त्यहि आवश्यकताको लागि चेतना हो।अध्यक्ष महोदयलाई मार्क्सका यी पंक्तिहरु यादै होलान तर पनि केवल तपाईँलाई आम नेपालीहरुका आवश्यकताहरुबारे सम्झाउन चाहन्छु, जो अहिलेको पार्टिगत राजनितिमा अल्झिरहेका छन्। ती आवश्यकताहरु शान्ति, समृद्धि तथा जवाफदेहि नेतृत्व सहितको प्रतियोगितात्मक प्रजातन्त्र हुन्। पछिल्लो दशकमा नेपालले यी मध्ये कुनै पनि क्षेत्रमा उल्लेखिय प्रगति गर्न सकेको छैन बरु स्थिति झनै खस्कदोँ छ। सत्ता लोभ भ्रष्टाचारका लागी स्थायित्वको सम्झौता हुदैछ। नेपाल अहिले यस्तो अनिश्चित अवस्थामा आईसकेको कि धेरै जसो युवाहरुलाई देशको अर्थवयवस्था प्रति नै विश्वास हुन छोडी सकेको छ।

अब जनता सभासदले एक अर्काका आँखामा हेरेर तिनमा अवस्थित भावनाहरु बुझ्ने एक अर्कालाई सम्मान गर्दै विचारहरु सुन्ने समय आईसकेको छ। तर पनि कमरेड, त्यसो हुनलाई, हामीलाई सँविधान चाहिन्छ जसले शान्ति स्थायी प्रजातन्त्र सुनिश्चित गर्छ। हामी सबैले मिलेर एउटा यस्तो वातावरण सृजना गर्नुपर्नेछ जहाँ नेपालीहरुले एक अर्कालाई सम्मान गौरबका साथमा समायोजित गर्न सक्नेछन्। यो प्रक्रियालाई सजिलो बनाउन तपाईँको भुमिका अपरिहार्य हुनेछ। हाम्रो समाज अब अति नै बिभाजित भईसक्यो। हामी मान्छेहरुलाई जात, धर्म सम्प्रदाय बर्गका आधारमा छुट्याउँछौ। अझ कहिले काँहि उनीहरुले प्रयोग गर्ने वस्तुहरु, जस्तै कुन चुरोट पिउँछन् वा कुन गाडी चलाउँछन्, त्यसैका आधारमा व्यवहार गर्छौँ। अध्यक्ष महोदय, यदि तपाईँ प्राईभेट गाडी चलाउँदै हुनुहुन्छ भने ट्राफिकले तपाईँलाई सताउने वा अझ भनौँ तपाईको गाडी रोक्ने सम्भावना पनि एकदम कम हुन्छ। कहिले देखि एउटा साधारण नेपाली यात्रीले पनि यस्तो सुबिधा पाउने?

करिब ५५% नेपालीहरु दिनको .२५ डलरभन्दा कममा गुजारा गर्न बाध्य छन्। हाम्रो प्रतिव्यक्ति आय $४९०, दक्षिण एसियाकै सबभन्दा कम छ। हाम्रा वयस्कहरुको साक्षरता प्रतिशत पनि ५९% मात्र छ। शहरीभेगमा बस्ने ५९% मान्छेले मात्र राम्रो सरसफाईको सुबिधा पाएका छन्। व्यापार सुचकका आधारमा हामी सँसारका ११६औ स्थानमा पिछेडिएका छौँ। सँसारभरका स्वतन्त्र सँगठनहरुको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने सँस्था, फ्रिडम हाउसले हामीलाई राजनितक तथा नागरीक अधिकारको आधारमा निकै कम दर्जा दिएको छ। हाम्रा नवजात शिशुहरुको मृत्यदर क्षेत्रकै सबैभन्दा बढि छ। औसत आयु बढेर ६३ बर्ष पुग्यो तरपनि, यो अंक, छिमेकी दक्षिण एसियाली मुलुकहरुको भन्दा कमनै छ। अध्यक्ष महोदय, हामी जति शान्ति सँबिधानबाट पछि हट्छौँ, यी समस्याहरु सामाधान गरेर नेपालीहरुको जिवनस्तर उकास्न हामीलाई त्यतिनै बढि समय लाग्नेछ। अध्यक्ष महोदय, हामी सबैलाई थहा , तपाईँ यी तथ्यहरुलाई बदल्न सक्नुहुनछ त्यसका लागि शान्ति सँबिधानको पक्षमा दरिलो सकारात्मक कदम चाल्नुपर्ने हुन्छ।

शहरमा अहिले शत्ता शक्तिको चर्चा छ। मानिसहरुलाई लागेको कि माओवादिको लागी शत्ता शक्ति माध्यम हैन बरु लक्षय भएको छ। उनीहरुले सोच्न थालेका छन् माओवादिहरुले गरेको क्रान्ति अर्को अधिनायकवाद लाद्न पो रहेछ। त्यसैले अध्यक्ष महोदय, हामी तपाईँलाई बिनम्रतापुर्वक अनुरोध गर्दछौँ यो शहरलाई गलत साबित गरिदिनुहोस्। महोदय, हामीलाई भनिएको थियो पार्टिहरु कि बामपन्थि (लेफ्टिस्ट-देब्रे विचारधारा) कि दक्षिणपन्थि (राईटिस्ट- दाहिने विचारधारा) हुन्छन्। तर यस्तो लाग्छ कि यहाँ केबल माथिल्लो-विचारधारा पार्टि तल्लो-विचारधारा पार्टिछन्। माथिल्लोजस्ले समृद्धि, स्वतन्त्रता प्रजातन्त्रको वकालत गर्छ। तल्लोजसले कमिलाको उफ्राई जस्तै गरी सम्पुर्णतावादको एकोहोरो वकालत गर्छ यहि वर्गका पार्टिहरु चाँहि हाम्रो भुमिमा बर्षौँ देखी फस्टाईरहेका छन्। त्यसैले हामी नेपालीहरुको लागी एउटै मात्र उपाय भनेको माथि तिर हेरेर आफुलाई विश्वास दिलाउनु हो कि माओवादीको लागी शक्ति भनेको बहुदलीय प्रजातन्त्र, आर्थिक विकास, समानता, सुरक्षा सारा नेपालीहरुका लागी खुशी दिलाउने माध्यम हो कि आफु आफ्ना लडाकूहरुकोलागि मात्र

समयले तपाईँलाई आफ्नो पार्टीगत राजनिति भन्दा माथि उठेर राष्ट्रको नेता बन्न निम्तो दिएको छ। यसो गर्न सक्नुभयो भने तपाईँले नेपालीहरुको मन मष्तिष्क माथि मात्र हैन ईतिहास माथि पनि विजय प्राप्त गर्न सक्नु हुनेछ।

त्यसकारण कृपया अविश्वासको वातावरण, सत्ता प्रतिको लालच, विदेशीहरुका मँहगा भोज व्यापारिक स्तरका हवाईजहाज टिकट आदिले बुनेको जालोलाई फुकाएर नेपाली जनताको चासो हितको निम्ति केहि ठोस कदम चाल्नहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौँ। हामीलाई थहा , अहिलेको राजनितिक मोडमा यो बाटो रोज्न धेरै मुश्किल , तर हामीलाई यो पनि विश्वास कि सफल क्रान्तिकारीको लागी एउटा चुनौती भन्दा महत्वपुर्ण कुरा अरु बिरलै होला।

सही निर्णय गर्न सक्ने ढृढताको लागी तपाईलाई शुभकामना सहित,

हामी नेपाली जनता

Dear Chairman Dahal

Dear Chairman,

Karl Marx once said ‘Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity.” As you know the verses of Marx very well, Mr. Chairman, I just want to remind you of the common Nepali’s necessities which have been embroiled in party politics. That necessity for Nepalese is peace, prosperity, and a competitive democracy with accountable leaders. Over the last decade, Nepal has made progress in none of these areas rather it is moving towards an abyss. Stability has been compromised for power lust and corruption. Nepal is in such a precarious situation that much of our youth have lost their faith in the economy of this country.

It is time that citizens and CA look into each other’s eyes and understand the deep sentiments embedded in their sights, and begin to respect and listen to each other. Nevertheless, Comrade, for that to happen, for us to look with trust and confidence in your eye, we need a constitution that ensures peace and a stable democracy. We need to create an environment where Nepalese can accommodate and tolerate each other with respect and dignity. You are the one who can facilitate that process at this point of time. Enough of division has taken place in this society. We judge people based on their caste, creed, ethnicity, or even in terms of commodity use such as what cigarettes they smoke and what vehicle they drive. Mr. Chairman, if you drive a private car, there is very little chance of you being harassed or even stopped by a traffic police? When will Nepali commuters get a just treatment in the street?

Almost 55% of Nepalese live below $1.25 a day. Our per capita income of $490 is the lowest in South Asia. Only 59% of our adults are literate. Only 51% of people living in urban areas have access to proper sanitation. We rank 116 out of all the countries on the ease of doing business index. Freedom house, an international organization promoting free institutions worldwide, ranks us low or political rights and civil liberties. Infant mortality rates are among the highest in the region. Life expectancy at birth has gone up to 63 years, but it is still lower than in neighboring South Asian countries. Mr. Chairman, the more we digress from peace and constitution, the longer we will not attend to these issues to improve everyone’s standard of life. Mr. Chairman, we all know that you can change these facts and the first step would be to take concrete positive steps in the areas of peace and constitution.

The talk of the town is power. It seems people are convinced that for the Maoists, power is not a means, it is an end. They began the revolution in order to establish another dictatorship. We humbly request you to prove the town otherwise. Chairman, we have been told about the existence of a left- and right-wing party in Nepal. But it sounds as if there is just an “up” and a “down party”. “Up” which yearns for prosperity, freedom, democracy and “down” to the ant heap of totalitarianism. The latter has been practiced for many years on this soil. So perhaps the only way to look is to roll our eyes upward to make us believe that for Maoists power is a means to promote pluralistic democracy, economic growth, equality, security, and happiness of the citizens of all Nepal and not only their cadres. Time has called you to evolve beyond party politics and act as a statesman. This way you may not only win over Nepalese hearts and minds but you may just win over history. So please unknot the environment of mistrust, the lust for power, the hunger for foreign banquets and business class seats and start acting in the interest of Nepalese. We understand that this is a difficult path to take at this juncture of politics, but we are sure, for a successful revolutionary nothing is as enticing as challenge.

Wishing you the willpower to do what is right,

The People of Nepal
