Mr. Subhash Nembang,
Constituent Assembly of Nepal,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Mr. Nembang,

Over the last three years, Nepali citizens entrusted our CA lawmakers to draft a strong democratic constitution that will enshrine the universal rights of every Nepali citizen. Unfortunately, too much time was lost in political bickering, blatant power-plays and blame-games. We believe that these delays have been exacerbated by extensive international travels funded by agencies such as yours. While we understand that such trips contribute to capacity building and were intended to support the process, those skills are yet to translate into actions. Completion of the peace process and constitution drafting is both essential and time-sensitive.
We are certain that, along with us, you have also witnessed how the myriad issues that Nepal faces, from the economic stalemate, slow and often halted development efforts, to absence of rule to law, have been held ‘hostage’ by the tensions and mistrust that have arisen from this incomplete constitution drafting and peace process. With this letter, we are requesting you to act on your conscience and support the cause for a democratic and stable Nepal.
Restricting international travel is one of the most effective "other" tools that can be employed, and we passionately appeal you to enforce it in your capacity. In fact, it is one of the most recurrent idea that come from Nepalis from all walks of life.
Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, ex Prime Minister and one of the key members in the Constitution committee is slated to leave for Dhaka tomorrow to attend the Peace Conference. At present, we see no event that requires more urgency and dedication than the peace process and eventual drafting of the Constitution. As outlined in the 5 point agreement between the major parties, we are all working towards a deadline, the seriousness of which is challenged by international travels of CA members such as this. We call on you, as a Speaker and more importantly, as a Nepali to draw the attention of Mr. Nepal as well as other CA members to what the Nepali people need and demand during this critical point in time.
We trust that with your conscience as a Nepali and the power vested in you by the citizens of Nepal, you will take the necessary steps to prevent any travels, events or expenditures by the CA members which will further deter the realization of peace, stability and prosperity in Nepal.
On behalf of the citizens of Nepal.
Nepal Unites परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक
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