Thursday, June 30, 2011
किनभने हामीलाई विश्वास छ!
“सँविधान सभाको म्याद सकिन ६२ दिन बाँकि छ। काम के हुँदैछ। विचार पो गर्ने हो कि?”
मैले मेरो फेसबुकको स्टाटस अपडेट गरेँ। मलाई यो कुराले निकै पिरोलिरहेको थियो, त्यहि भएर फेसबुकमा लेखिदिएँ।
एकैछिनमा फेसबुकमा माथिपट्टि प्लिक रातो बल्यो र १ लेख्यो। मैले त्यहाँ क्लिक गरेँ। उसले मेरो स्टाटसमा कमेन्ट गरेछ। म त्यो पढ्न थालेँ।
“चिन्ता नगर्नुस मित्र सँबिधान बन्छ। तर पेट्रोलको भाउ घट्दैन। नेपालका सडकहरु बिकसित हुँदैनन्। मान्छेहरु हिँसाबाट मर्न रोकिदैनन्। एस.एल.सी मा बिधार्थीहरुले चोर्न छोड्दैनन्। कर्मचारीहरुले घुस खान छोड्दैनन् र नेपालीहरु बिदेशिन छोड्दैनन्। तर तपाईँ खुशी हुनुस, सँबिधान बन्ने छ।“
म उसको कमेन्ट पढेर वाल्ल परे। उसले मलाई कति मजाले व्यङ्ग गरेको थियो। उसले भनेको कुराहरु अहिले हाम्रो देशमा व्याप्त भईरहेको थियो। तर उ त्यो पनि बदलिने छ बन्ने पक्षमा थिएन। मैले उसमा नकारात्मक सोच बढिनै पाएँ। त्यहि भएर मैले पनि त्यो स्टाटसमा कमेन्ट गरेँ।
“मित्र चिन्ता नगर्नुस तपाईँले औँल्याउनु भएका कुराहरु पनि सुध्रिदै जानेछन्। सँबिधान बने पछि देशमा कानुनी शासन हुनेछ। भ्रष्टाचार गर्ने कर्मचारी र नक्कल गर्ने बिधार्थीलाई कारबाहि हुनेछ। सँबिधानले आर्थिक बिकासको बाटो खोल्नेछ अनि रोडहरु कसो नबन्ला, बिकास कसो नहोला। अनि आफ्नै देश बिकसित भएसि नेपालीहरु बिदेसिन नि कम होलान्।“
मलाई मैले लेखेको कुरा मन पर्यो। तर उसलाई परेनछ।उसले फेरी तल कमेन्ट गर्यो।
“कुनै कुरा हेर्दा र सुन्दा एकदम राम्रो लाग्छ रे। तपाईँका कुरा त्यस्तै हुन्। तर तपाईँले भने जस्तै सजिलो छैन परिवर्तन आउन।“
हैन, यो मान्छेको मनमा कति धेरै नकारात्मक बिचार अंट्न सकेको, म छक्क परेँ। अब कुरा यहाँ सम्म पुगेपछि मलाई पनि त्यतिकै छोड्न मन लागेन। एकछिन सोचेँ अनि लेखेँ।
“तपाईँलाई थहा छ मित्र तपाईँले भने जस्तै समस्याहरु बाट देशलाई मुक्त गराउन अहिले हामीले फेसबुक मार्फत नै अभियान चलाईरहेका छौँ नि। अनि त्यहाँ हामी सबै एक भएर देश परिवर्तनको कुरा गर्छौँ। किन थहा छ, किन भने हामी बिश्वास गर्न सक्छौँ। हामीलाई विश्वास छ एकदिन देशले कोल्टे फेर्नेछ। अनि तपाईँलाई अर्को कुरा थहा छ, सपना देखेन भने कहिले पुरा हुँदैन रे। सपना देख्यो भने कहिले काँहि मात्र पुरा हुँदैन रे। त्यसैले नया नेपाल को सपना देखौ न तपाईँ र म। हुँदैन?”
मैले यो कमेन्ट लेखेको निकैबेर पछि सम्म पनि उसले केहि लेखेन। सायद उसलाई मेरो कुरा चित्त बुझ्यो वा सायद उसलाई लाग्यो म मुर्खले उसको कुरा बुझ्दिन तर जे भए पनि मैले मेरो मनमा भएको करा साँचो साँचो लेख्या थेँ।
म एक आशावादि मान्छे हुँ र मलाई आशा छ नेपाल पनि एकदिन उन्नत राष्ट्र हुनेछ।
जय नेपाल!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
POEM - एउटा मान्छे खोज्दै छु

एउटा मान्छे खोज्दैछु म, जसले देश हाँक्न सकोस्
आफ्नो जात र धर्म भन्दा, सधैँ उ माथि उठोस्
छोडेर स्वार्थ सबै, देशहितको निम्ति जुटोस्
उसले हिमाल, पहाड, तराई सबै एउटै देख्नेछ
शान्ति कायम राखी सँबिधान लेख्नेछ
ईमान्दारिताको फुल सबको मनमा फुलाउन सकोस्
रोजगारी नया बाटोहरु प्रसस्त खुलाउन सकोस्
उसको राजमा जनताले कहिले रुन नपरोस्
बलियाले कुट्ने र निर्धा कुटिने हुन नपरोस्
सकेर राष्ट्रको सबै काम, अनि मात्र थाक्न सकोस्
एउटा मान्छे खोज्दैछु म, जसले देश हाँक्न सकोस्
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
फेसबुक आन्दोलन र उनको बुझाई
(inspired by true events)
वानेश्वरचोक बाट शंखमुल जाने बाटोको दाहिने पट्टि सडक पेटि मा उनीहरु उभिएका थिए। चन्द्र र सुर्य अंकित झन्डा हावामा फर्रफराईरहेको परैबाट प्रस्ट देखिन्थ्यो। उनीहरुका हातमा विभिन्न नारा अंकित प्लेकार्ड थिए। म पनि त्यो हुलमा मिसिएँ। फरक यत्ति थियो, म उभिएको थिईन। म व्हिलचियरमा बसेको थिएँ...। तर देश प्रतिको मेरो दायित्व उभिएको थियो र सँगै उभिएको थियो देश बदलिएको हेर्ने मेरो चाहना।
त्यो लामको अगाडी पट्टि पुगे पछि मेरो हातमा पनि एउटा प्लेकार्ड आईपुग्यो। त्यहाँ लेखिएको थियो, “सँबिधान तिम्रो कमाई खाने भाँडो हैन, मेरो अधिकार हो।“ म प्लेकार्ड हातमा लिएर त्यहाँ बसिरहेँ। हामीले भाग लिएको त्यो मौन बिरोध कार्यक्रम थियो, शान्ति र सँबिधानको पक्षमा।
एकैछिनमा मेरो अघि एकजना पुरुष आईपुगे। उनले मलाई हेरेर हाँसे। मलाई लाग्यो उनले मलाई चिनेका रहेछन्। तर होईन रहेछ। उनी त मैले बोकेको प्लेकार्ड हेरेर हाँसेका रहेछन्।
“के गर्नु भएको तपाईँहरुले?” उनले नरम भएर सोधे
“फेसबुकमा हाम्रो एउटा समुह छ दाई।“ मैले पनि उस्तै मिजास मा बोलेँ, “त्यसै मार्फत नेताहरुलाई झक्झक्याउने कार्यक्रम हो यो।
“उनलाई मेरो कुराको पत्यार लागेन क्यार, हाँसे। एकछीन मा भने, “अनि यसरी नि आन्दोलन हुन्छ त। टायर बाल्नुस, गाडी फुटाउनुस। अलि हेर्नेलाई पनि मजा लागोस् न यार।“ उनले यस्तरी भने कि मानौँ हामी त्यहाँ उभिएका मान्छेहरु कसैको मजाको लागी रमिता देखाउन बसेका हौँ। मलाई उनको कुराले रिस उठेन बरु उनको बिबेक देखेर दया लाग्यो।
“लाफ्टर च्यालेन्ज हो र यो हेर्न मजा आउने!” मलाई भन्न मन थियो तर म छुचो हुन चाहिन।
“आउनुस न दाई, तपाईँ पनि हामीलाई साथ दिनुस।“ मैले उनलाई बरु निम्तो दिएँ।
“हैन ठिकै छ।“ उनी यति भनेर जान लागे।
“किन यो देश तपाईँको हैन र?” यसपाली मैले सोधेरै छोडेँ। “अवश्य हो नि।“ उनी हाँस्दै बिदा भए। अलि पर पुगेपछि उनले अर्को एकजना मान्छेलाई पनि हामी तर्फ देखाएर केहि कुरा भन्दै हाँस्न थाले। मैले अब उनको कुराबारे सोच्नै छोडे किनभने मैले थहा पाईसकेको थीँए हाम्रो आन्दोलन उनको सोच्ने शक्तिको उपज छ।
मलाई लाग्थ्यो सँसारमा दुई किसिमका मान्छे हुन्छन्। कुरा बुझ्ने र कुरा नबुझ्ने। तर आज मैले तेस्रो प्रकार पनि भेट्टाए। कुरा बुझेर पनि बुझपचाउने।
Monday, June 20, 2011
What is Nepal Unites?
Nepal Unites
परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक
We are an informal group of civilian-activists that believe in democracy and citizen supremacy. We came together to raise the common Nepali citizen’s voice against the indifference shown by the political establishment. We demand accountability, particularly of our senior politicians who have time and again proven their incompetence and dishonesty. At the same time, we seek to mobilize and motivate every Nepali to speak up and contribute to building a prosperous and responsible Nepal.
- An accountable leadership: A Nepal where our leaders are accountable to their representatives, where our tax money is put to productive use, where people are well-informed, where the rights of all are respected and all voices heard.
- A responsible citizen: A Nepal where all of us, citizens, are responsible. Each one of us needs to take responsibility for our actions in a democracy. We also need to speak up and demand accountability in the country’s affairs.
- A prosperous Nepal: A Nepal where every citizen gets an opportunity to do well in life, where young people do not need to migrate in search of jobs because they can't find them here.
This movement is completely independent of political affiliation and donor funding and echoes the frustrations of ordinary Nepalis. We believe in a path of non-violence and I-am-a-Nepali-first thought. We raise our funds from the voluntary contributions of individual Nepalis.
Our current campaign ज्याला पूरा लीयौ, अब संबिधान देऊ (NO WORK, NO PAY) is in line with our efforts demanding accountability of our senior lawmakers and politicians. We are currently pressing for speedy drafting of the constitution and completion of the peace process primarily because too many of the political rulers are holding the country hostage for their individual gains.
Our activities and campaigns will evolve with time depending on the needs of our society and the political response to our demands.
This group works closely with and encourages other citizen campaigns; especially youth-led campaigns that share our objectives and values. We work to support and promote them.
मेरो देश, मेरै दायित्व (My Country, My Responsibility) is the slogan close to our hearts.
Come join the campaign. Let Nepal Unite to Build a Prosperous and Responsible Nation.
Mobile:send SMS: Type nepal and send to 2426 for event notifications.
Why Nepal Unites!
Nepal Unites says they have no leader nor any followers; they or shall we say we are all one. We are all working together as one for the same thing, which as of now is demanding accounatability from the 601 CA members. "ज्याला त लीयौ, अब संबिधान देउ'. Nepal Unites is a medium or platform where frustrated and angry youths like myself can come together and vent those off in a peaceful manner. Personally, what I hate most is not that the politicians are not doing their job, but I was frustrated at myself for not doing my job, for not speaking up, for not being able to do anything for my country. But now I canot thank enough to the founders of Nepal Unites for providing me and numerous others like me with a way to help my Nepal.
When I used to gather with my friends, and talk about politics over some tea at Basantapur or ShreeGha, we would always be like, "Hami eklai le k garna sakchha ra?", or "Yestai ho, Yaar!". I tried to band us together and a form a group like this ourselves, but my effort was not something I would call a success. My friends had their own personal issues to deal with, I could only try not force and they actually did not think that we could pull of such a stunt. But Nepal Unites proved them and me wrong. What I/We could not do, they showed us that we can. This facebook movement is going strong now, and I can only see it grow stronger, and the reason I am so sure about this is because I have FAITH in myself. I do care about you, and him, and others, but I do not care enough to quit if you do. I know that I will be standing there speaking a thousand words in Silence outside BICC, or RNAC, or Airport. Do you feel the way I feel? Do you have feel them butterflies, and do you feel those goosebumps in your skin when you are doing something for your country?
I know a lotta people, specially youths nowadays have that FIRE inside of us. We are tired to these old politicians treating our money as their own SAVINGS account. The youth of today are empowered. We are educated, we know how the system works, we know what is right and what is wrong, and NOW, we do not have any excuse to not do anything. पहिले पो क गर्ने? कसरि गर्ने? भनेर अड्कि राथियो तर अहिले त छ नि, परिवर्तनको लागि हामि नेपाली एक!! I am pretty sure we have these conversations about Nepal, our dire situation, politicians, BUT what is our excuse now?! Kasaile Hyaa, K Garna Sakchha Ra Hamile bhanera bhani halyo bhane pani.. Ehh, Nepal Unites chha nita.. Tyo ta haamrai group ho ni.. Hami sanga ni aba ta arule SUNNE AAWAAZ chha ni bhanna sakchhaun ni hoina.!!
Also people, Remember that we are creating history over here..! Have a goal that is greater than you, Come Out, Speak Up. This Constitution drafting is just a starting phase of Nepal Unites. With us United, we can act like a WATCHDOG for these politicians.. As far as I understand, Nepal Unites (We) is about ACCOUNTABILITY!! It is not going away, we are here to STAY!!
Find the original post on facebook here - NEPAL UNITES
My country, My Responsibility - mero Nepal, mero Daitwa!
A Nepali Citizen
Most of us feel good to say that, we are proud to be from the place that we are from. Great feeling isn't it?
Let's try and honestly answer this one now. How many of us have done or are doing anything to make our country feel the same way for us?
It saddens me to come to terms with the fact that a 30 million strong country is being ravaged by a handful of incompetent leaders. It seems like a comic play being enacted for the amusement of some, at the cost of every Nepali citizen within the country and abroad.
17 attempts in 7 months just to form a stable government? Two years to name the constitution? Is it a joke? Is this how we want us to be projected when we really aren't anything like what the government shows us to be in front of the whole world?
And the ones responsible are as callous and complacent as ever. What gives them face in such embarrassing situations? Over 1000 days late and apologetic and worse even no signs of learning as well?
But admittedly, this lustful display of audacity has been exhibited for so long also due to the audience being tight lipped about the developments. And hence the ones occupying the chairs solemnly believe that they can not only take the entire population for a ride, but ride them as well if and when need be. All this while we have been hopeful and forgiving and adaptive. We said nothing to inflation, got accustomed to inflation, insecurity, unemployment, and even dissatisfaction. While the rosy gardens they promised, were washed away in the tsunami of corruption and irresponsibility. Apparently the only law in the book is to adopt the escapist attitude, pass the blames around, give outrageous excuses and when cornered, resort to violence. Nothing changed though for the one whose job was to get that positive change in a common Nepali life. What's more? They even have the audacity to flaunt foreign tours with such situations at home.
But enough has to be enough. The dreamers must rise if they want to live the laughter of the dreams. It’s time to exhibit the patriotism we have in us. It’s not about war, it’s not about bloodshed. It is about the principles. The principals which define the Nepali patriotism. A belief of Nepali existence and the pride of being a Nepali.
And what better time than this to unite and prove the power of the silent! Almost half the continent just showed that remaining quiet has never and will never make things better but each small candle lights some corner of the dark.
I'm sure most of us have felt this way and immediately felt helpless after that. Maybe due to small reach and stage. But a step away lies the answer. All you have to do is to channelize the concerns. Nepal unites has members who are not politicians no big shots of industries but Nepalese. All united by the silent scream for a country we all want to improve. The modus operandi is simple yet powerful. It’s protesting with your non-violent presence. Gather everywhere you can without disrupting the common public life and silently show that we are watching. We stand there because we care and we will continue to do so till we amend the way the functioning is managed.
The ever increasing crowds from mandala to BICC to khula manch is a testimonial to the belief that people are mobilizing beyond just talks and blames. It would continue to live till we see a decisive and concrete positive development. Some might rubbish the efforts saying the draft of the constitution will not improve the situation as the leaders are corrupt anyway. But that's a very pessimistic approach because after the drafting, the constitution will immediately provide policy interruption in the discontrolled functions and is also imperative for a gradual long term restructuring.
The pressure needs to mount.
It's a silent battle but the victory sounds will be heard loud and long.
The only ask is, to live "the great Nepali dream" and live to achieve it.
Every positive action, raising awareness, taking these silent protests to every possible town within and abroad, passing memos and letters to embassies outside the country. Come to think of it and there are lots of ways to voice your support and action.
Let's be reminded! A nation is built by its citizens and she expects her sons and daughters to answer when she cries out in agony.
Mero Nepal, mero daitwa!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Create a ripple: Come back and turn problems into opportunities
Article came out first in THE WEEK from the REPUBLICA
It will not come as a surprise to many when I state that Nepal is at a critical juncture in its history. What happens in the next few months or even weeks will determine whether future generations will live in a stable, prosperous Nepal or where law and order deteriorates further. Our future is very uncertain. The decisions we make today, the actions we take today will determine our country’s future.
Most Nepalis are frustrated with the state of our government (i.e. politics) and its inability to deliver what our people want. It is not much we seek. We ask for a stable government, where policies are clear, corruption is kept in check and those who want to make a living are afforded that “luxury”.
Given such facts, it is understandable that many have lost hope. Most wish to leave the country. Some to find employment opportunities and others for higher education. Sadly, it is the youth of the country who are leaving in mass. This is the group with the greatest potential of making a significant impact on the country’s future.
However, I am witnessing a trend that is a ray of hope. Many Nepalis who left due to various circumstance are slowly returning. I am part of this trend and am glad to be back.
Although more people are leaving than coming back, it is a positive trend indeed. Those who come back, come with new experiences, new ideas and a vision to do something different. That is what Sunniv Rajbhandary did. He revamped his father’s travel agency, making it more efficient and injected new life into it. Sunniv completed a degree in business management in Franklin & Marshall College and used it not only in his travel business but opened a discount marketing website along with another friend who came back to Nepal after learning about Sunniv’s experience upon his return.
Yuki Poudyal, another young Nepali who came back to Nepal after finishing college says, “I found the American lifestyle sometimes very alienating, and mechanical. That’s why I came back to look for a more meaningful engagement at a place where I belonged, and give life a chance.” Yuki is today a proud owner of Cuppas, a swanky coffee shop located in Putalisadak. When Yuki came back, she had no intention of becoming an entrepreneur. She planned to get a job in the non-profit sector for a year and go back for graduate school. But things changed once she arrived. She saw numerous business opportunities and siezed the one that interested her the most.
Both Sunniv and Yuki have become job creators in Nepal. They have used their education and experience to create something new in Nepal. Many people I talked to in U.S. said they have a urge to come back, many even had amazing ideas about what they will do once they are back. Yet, I hear most saying “Situation better bhayepachi aaumla” (I will come back when the situation improves).
For those who are living abroad and waiting for things to improve back home – I say, things may not improve. They may not improve especially if we, the youth of this country, are not willing to contribute to this effort. One way you can ensure that the situation will deteriorate further is if you hold ourselves back and do nothing. The more longer one stays abroad, the harder it gets to leave. There will be things that will tie us down. The sooner you can make the move back the better. Just remember what Gandhi said, “be the change that you want to see in the world”. If you care, do something about it.
Both Sunniv and Yuki think coming back to Nepal is not for the faint hearted, you need lots of patience and determination; you can’t expect Nepal to work like America or other developed nations. There is load shedding. You have to wait in line to get petrol. There are myriads of problems. But, as with any problem – there is a solution – and that solution can be an opportunity.
Being of a critical nature, you may disagree with this opinion and say, “What difference can a couple of friends opening a coffee shop make?” Let me engage your thought. If I see my friends doing something fruitful with their time and actually doing well, I feel encouraged to do something. It creates a ripple effect and encourages more to do something. Soon the many ripples can combine and turn into a wave that changes the direction of our country. One person coming back often encourages their friends to at least think more seriously about the option.
After living in the United States more than six years, I realized that if I don’t come back to Nepal now it may be too late for me. I hope to create a ripple that will one day become a wave. Who knows these small ripples may combine with ones that Sunniv and Yuki are creating, and become a huge tsunami and moving our country away from this tipping point, into a better future.
Why Nepal should unite?
"एउटा लठ्ठी त जसले नि भाँच्न सक्छ।" पिउँदै गरेको चिया टेबलमा राख्दै उसले भन्यो, "तर त्यस्तै लठ्ठीहरुको एउटा मुठोलाई कसैले भाँचेर देखाओस् त?"
उसको कुराको मैले कुनै अर्थ लाउन सकिन। सोधेँ, "भन्न चाँहि के खोजेको?"
"तिमीले सोधेको हैन, किन अहिलेको समयमा नेपालीहरुको एकताको खाँचो छ भनेर?"
"ए! तिमीले त त्यसको पो जवाफ देको?" मैले बल्ल कुरो बुझेँ।
असल र खराव छुट्याउन सक्नेलाई बिबेकी भनिन्छ। मलाई आजबाट लाग्यो उ बिबेकि हो।
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Nepal Unites makes Center page of Kantipur Daily!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
आमा नेपाल: A story that captures the essence of Nepal Unites
(Who has been at every event to unite the country despite his physical challenges.)

Friday, June 10, 2011
हामी सबै नेपाली : words to HAMI SABEI NEPALI!

कालो रातमा दियो बाल्ने हाम्रो नियम छ
पछि हटने हैन बानी ..हातमा हात राखी कदम मिलाई अघि बढ़ने छौं
...- chorus
हामी सबै नेपाली.. अघि बढौ नेपाली ......
हामी सबै नेपाली ..प्रगति गरौ नेपाली ...
जात- पात छैन यहाँ रगत एउटा छ ...शांति र माया को झंडा फर्फरौने छ
शीर उठाऊ छाती फुलाऊ गरौ केही..जागौ हामी
परिवर्तन गरौ यही जूनीमा
(हामी सबै नेपाली.. अघि बढौ नेपाली ......
हामी सबै नेपाली ..प्रगति गरौ नेपाली ...)
शीर उठाऊ छाती फुलाऊ गरौ केही..जागौ हामी
परिवर्तन गरौ यही जूनीमा
हामी सबै नेपाली.. अघि बढौ नेपाली ......
हामी सबै नेपाली ..प्रगति गरौ नेपाली ...
A question of Trust: VIDEO
A pat on the back! The campaign works!
By Mickey!
One more incident that touched my heart and soul - Yesterday at Bagmati Bridge, while some of us were distributing stickers to passing vehicles - I noticed a gentleman (in a maroon car) read the message "Mero Des, Merai Dayitwa" - then immediately took the trouble to paste the sticker while he had stopped at the red light. When both our eyes met - I saluted him from where I was to say "Thank you Sir" Spontaneously with a big nice smile, he saluted back at me - as if to say "Thank you Bhai - Thank you for what you guys are doing - Great work, keep it up"!
Jai Des Jai Nagarik
Letter to the head of the CIAA
June 10, 2011
Head of CIAA
Dear Bhagwati Kafleji,
We would like to applaud you for your courageous step of filing cases against the Sudan accused. We hope you will continue this crusade against all corrupt politicians and bureaucrats because we have a corruption crisis in this country. Every ordinary citizen is affected by the massive corruption that is taking place at an unprecedented level. Your action against the Sudan-accused has given us, the Nepali citizens, a ray of hope. A hope that the cleansing process has started and we will rid this country of corruption.
While we wholeheartedly support and welcome your move against corrupt police officers and businessmen we are convinced that a scandal of this magnitude could not have taken place without the blessings of the then Home Ministers. We request you to bravely forge ahead and take action against everyone involved irrespective of their political positions. The Nepali people are firmly behind and with you and look forward to your continued leadership in eliminating corruption from our motherland.
We are part of a movement that is uniting Nepal and we feel strongly that the "fight against corruption" is one platform every honest and hard-working Nepali would like to join hands for.
Jai Nepal.
The People of Nepal
FEEDBACK: This Campaign is CHUGGING along!

"When my friend & me reached Bagmati bridge at 5:30 yesterday - we saw just two people standing with one small flag - our first reaction - Oh S***! Again it's gonna be 10 or 15 of us! By the time we parked the mobike & came - we were about 6 of... us - but we were on the other bridge! Among six of us, we knew two of them - so we said 'Hello' &... shook hands - two others were new faces - so we didn't!
That was wrong - we R all fighting for same cause - we need to have our own greeting gesture (do namaste & say Jai Nagarik) & regardless of whether we know someone or not - if we see a new face - we need to acknowledge & welcome another fellow citizen with open arms! We are together in this - must give new comers a warm welcome & immediately make them feel a part of the Facebook movement!!
One more obsevation - after talking to Suman - I went to ask a Traffic Cop on duty whether we could occupy the traffic islands & stay there - for more visibility - spread more awareness!
Most surprizing - I didn't have to spend much time to explain who we were! The Cop knew "Tapai Haru Facebook Wala Hoina? Malai Thaha Cha - Tara Mero Hakim Lai Sodhanu Parcha!
He was very positive - took the trouble - explained to his superior & got her over to where I was to talk to me! She was a one star Traffic ASI with a hand set - I felt - Oof! Now she will talk to her superior & it's gonna be a long process!
To my suprise - even she was aware of us "Tapai Haru Facebook group Nara Bajhe Gardaina - Malai Thaha Cha - Huncha Heyha Basnush Tara Road Ma Aauna Chahi Paidaina! Aaunush Baashe Huncha!
At that moment I felt - it's happening - we are towards the right direction - we are heading the right way! Jai Des Jai Nagarik"
OUR VOICE: हामी सबै नेपाली Live and loud, June 11, 7 pm, Sherpa Mall

Bring your Rato ra Chandra Surya's with you! This is a movement for UNITY...
Venue: SHERPA MALL, Durbar Marg
Time: 7 pm onwards
Check out the event page on FACEBOOK!
Abhaya and the Steam Injuns online
:: on My Space
:: Fan Page on Facebook
EVENT REPORT: Silence Speaks

Here are some pictures from the reports of the event from top National Dailies of Nepal.
Keep the PRESSURE on!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
D-DAY + 11 days : Report from the Constituent Assembly

Parties having their own meetings, next parliament is set for next Monday only.
Constitutional committee is not meeting either, nor the sub committee headed by Prachanda, which is there to resolve be contentious issues on constitutional matters....
When will work really get done!
Yet the meter keeps ticking. How long can we pay for NO progress? How long?
Letter to the IGP
Dear IGP Rabindra Pratap Shah,
Today, at a small picketing conducted by some youth at the Airport Gate to object the international travel of our top leaders while they have more important tasks in Nepal, there was a small argument with the police, regarding whether we would be allowed to picket or not, and whether permission was required to conduct this same activity in a public area.
We want you to understand that these protests are different from all the others that Nepal has ever seen. These are non-violent, and mostly silent expression... done only with placards and Nepalese Flags. We would like to request that Nepalese people be allowed to conduct peaceful protests in areas which are non-restricted (even if this shames our top leaders into positive action).
As you well know, our country is at the mercy of incompetent politicians, and citizen pressure seems to be the only way out of this impasse. This can come either in the form of the usual tyre burning, slogan chanting, public property destroying means (which we strictly abhor) or the peaceful modern ways of protest... like the silent expression picketing we have done at Durbar Marg, the symbolic sweeping of the CA premises, the Nepali flag rally in New Road, and these airport picketing.
We would request that sanity and common sense prevails and the Nepal Police (whose prime duty is to protect us) does not turn against us.
Our protests are aimed at ensuring that our fellow Nepalese do not feel helpless during these difficult times, but actually realize that there are peaceful means of release of these frustrations, in ways that are positive to change in this country.
I am sure this is also aligned with what you would want for this country.
Best Regards,
The People of Nepal
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Report: Welcome Home Sir! Now, will you please WORK?
A small band of 27 picketeers (interestingly, Kathmandu has 2.7 m population and Nepal 27 m) stood at the airport gate to welcome Madhav Kumar Nepal, Sujata Koirala and Hisila Yami back to Nepal from their Bangladesh junket. The video shows it all, and also the amount of police presence to restrict peaceful protests.
Interestingly, as soon as Mr. Nepal passed by, one of 'ours' sent him a text message, and this conversation ensued! Enjoy!
•WE:what dd u get frm ur visit....did we get any constituioin...(by a fren hai)
•MKN:why r uafraid oh maobadi then?u cant say anything to them...
•ME:kun thuma darayeu ra.........hijo dekhi t samanya janata ni daraun thali halyachan ni UML sanga
•MKN:khoi prachanda singapore jada k garnu bho?ani hatyar mukta garna k awaz uthaunu bho?
•ME:tyo kam ko lagi ta haile haurlaipathako ho ni CA ma..hajur harule khi kam nagarera ta hmila risuthyo ni......hamilai hamro future kocinta cha......
•MKN:Samasya kaha cha thaha huna ta paryo ?samasya maobadi ma cha..13 patak meeting bsd prachanda 4 coti matra aaucha channna tar ngarik samajle khi bodaina, un haru arms ra army kokura i.e.peace process chitto tungo lane date dinchan gardainan nagarik samaj thha napaye jasto garcha , bhannush kasari bancha sambhidan?
•ME:hami yuva ho sir...hamilai kun party ma samasya chavane thaha chaina..but party bich ko differences lai excuse ta dina milena ni ....hoina ra..hajurnai yesari problems ko solution khojna chodera tarkina bhayena ni....hajurko every steps le hamro future lai effect griracha,,,..if ui haru aaudainan bhane public ma aaunus n bhannus .....hamile sakenu n we will do something...

PRESSURE WORKS! Lets keep it going!
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Symbolic “Broom”, our filthy politics, and Nepal's deteriorating environment

EVENT - Welcome Ma Ku Ne back to Nepal!

Sunday, June 5, 2011
PRESS RELEASE : Clean Environment Cleaner Politics!

Saturday, June 4, 2011
The US takes note! Persistence works!

- Taken from the US Ambassador's Facebook Wall
Persistent persuasion works. Will other embassies, donors, INGO's follow?
The US Embassy is on facebook here... and this is only posted because the "parivartanka lagi hami nepali ek" page is one of the favourites there! Social media efforts work.
Keep up the PRESSURE!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Campaign Report: Airport Picketing!

The call was made by the COME on STAND up Group on facebook, and was also organised by them.. Though there were many "attending" a handful of about 15 odd protester stood in a small cluster on the left of the gate of the airport, guarded by about 25 policemen and paramilitary. It was quite a sight.
Hisila Yami was the first to come and she hid her face as she passed the group, waving their Nepal flags, and standing with placards reading (both in Nepali and English) messages such as "GO BACK TO BICC", "Don't leave the country needs you" etc.
Second to come was Madhav Kumar Nepal, who even waved and shamelessly smiled at the picket line. An awe went out amongst the group of the nerve of the leader. He, over the night, was probably texted about 300 - 400 (guess) times by the activist with requests not to leave Nepal at this dire junction. People even tried to call, but his mobile was switched off.
She came quickly and almost took the protest by surprise, Sujata Koirala definitely saw the placards!
The message should have gone loud and clear, Nepal's youth will not sit at the side and watch. They are going to stand and form small effective picket lines.
Keep up the PRESSURE!
Follow developments at
EVENT: Nepal Unites to Clean up YOUR Act! (Rajnitik Durgandh Shuddhikaran Karyakram)

ATTEND this event on FACEBOOK
Date: Sunday, June 5, World Environment Day, 2011
Time: 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM
Starts: Outside Sherpa Mall
Ends: Outside BICC- The Constituent Assembly
Theme: Clean Environment, Clean Politics
0630 am: Cycle enthusiasts assemble in front of Sherpa Mall, Durbar Marg
0700 – 0720 am: The group bikes to BICC, New Baneshwor
NOTE: Those who prefer to walk, drive, or run assemble directly at BICC (in front of the black water tank, west gate) and you will be joined by the 100 plus cyclists.
0730 – 0800 am: Sweep clean the area around BICC.
0805 – 0810 am: A young participant (student) hands a broom over to Mr. Sunil Pant, Constituent Assembly member, and asks him to relay the message –
“We have cleaned the outsides of the Constitution Assembly, now YOU clean up the mess inside in order to complete the peace and constitution drafting process by the deadline of August 2011.
Please get your acts together, immediately stop all blame-games and power-plays, FOCUS, and give us what’s expected from you.”
Clean up your act! नेताहरु!......फोहरि खेल नखेल!
समय: बिहान ६:३० देखि ८:३०
शुरु: सेर्पा मलबाट
अन्त: संबिधान सभा भवन अगाडिवातावरण सफा गर, राजनिति सफा गर
६:३० बजे: साईकल चलाउनेहरु सेर्पा मल अगाडि भेला हुन्छन्७:००- ७:२० साईकल चलाएर संबिधान सभा अगाडि पुग्छन यो टोली
७:३०- ८:०० - संबिधान सभा भवन अगाडि साफ-सुगर गर्छन्८:०५-- ८:१० - एक जना युवाले सुनिल बाबु पन्तलाई कुचो दिएर यो सुचना दिन आग्रह गर्छन्" हामीले संबिधान सभा अगाडि सफा गर्यौँ, अब भित्रको फोहोर तपाईँहरुले सफा गर्नुहोस र शान्ति अनि संबिधान बनाउनुहोस अहिलेको समय भित्र ।तपाँईहरु खुरुक्क आफ्नो काममा लाग्नुहोस् र आम नेपाली जनताले खोजेका कुराहरुमा पूर्ण ध्यान दिनुहोस् यो नानाथरिको झै-झगडामा नलाग्नुहोला !"
नेताहरु!......फोहरी खेल नखेल !
परिवर्तनका लागि हामी नेपाली एक
Thursday, June 2, 2011
OPEN LETTER: Please Stop Mr. Nepal leaving the country!
Mr. Subhash Nembang,
Constituent Assembly of Nepal,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Dear Mr. Nembang,

Over the last three years, Nepali citizens entrusted our CA lawmakers to draft a strong democratic constitution that will enshrine the universal rights of every Nepali citizen. Unfortunately, too much time was lost in political bickering, blatant power-plays and blame-games. We believe that these delays have been exacerbated by extensive international travels funded by agencies such as yours. While we understand that such trips contribute to capacity building and were intended to support the process, those skills are yet to translate into actions. Completion of the peace process and constitution drafting is both essential and time-sensitive.
We are certain that, along with us, you have also witnessed how the myriad issues that Nepal faces, from the economic stalemate, slow and often halted development efforts, to absence of rule to law, have been held ‘hostage’ by the tensions and mistrust that have arisen from this incomplete constitution drafting and peace process. With this letter, we are requesting you to act on your conscience and support the cause for a democratic and stable Nepal.
Restricting international travel is one of the most effective "other" tools that can be employed, and we passionately appeal you to enforce it in your capacity. In fact, it is one of the most recurrent idea that come from Nepalis from all walks of life.
Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal, ex Prime Minister and one of the key members in the Constitution committee is slated to leave for Dhaka tomorrow to attend the Peace Conference. At present, we see no event that requires more urgency and dedication than the peace process and eventual drafting of the Constitution. As outlined in the 5 point agreement between the major parties, we are all working towards a deadline, the seriousness of which is challenged by international travels of CA members such as this. We call on you, as a Speaker and more importantly, as a Nepali to draw the attention of Mr. Nepal as well as other CA members to what the Nepali people need and demand during this critical point in time.
We trust that with your conscience as a Nepali and the power vested in you by the citizens of Nepal, you will take the necessary steps to prevent any travels, events or expenditures by the CA members which will further deter the realization of peace, stability and prosperity in Nepal.
On behalf of the citizens of Nepal.
Nepal Unites परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक
For more information on the group and its efforts, please visit\nepalunites
Campaign on the street - Supersize!

A LAST CHANCE hoarding went up today in a busy intersection in Kathmandu, reminding the leaders of the nation that this 90 day extension is their last chance possible. And also NOT to MESS it up this time around!
OPEN Letter to Donors, Embassies and INGO's : Nepali Translation
हामी सचेत नेपाली नागरिकहरु आफ्नो सरकारलाई उसका काम कारवाहीमा जवाफदेही बनाउन तथा त्यसमा पारदर्शिता कायम राख्नको लागि एकताबद्ध छौं । हाम्रो विश्वासमा यस अभियान लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य र मान्यता तथा मानवअधिकारको प्रबर्द्धन गर्ने त्यस संस्थाको घोषित लक्ष्यसँग मेल खान्छ । त्यसैले हामी सम्बन्धित संस्थाहरुसँग संविधान सभाका कुनै पनि सदस्यहरु तथा राजनीतिक दलहरुका कुनै पनि वरिष्ठ नेताहरुको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय भ्रमणहरुलाई नयाँ संविधान जारी नभईञ्जेलसम्म प्रायोजन नगरिदिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौं । हामी सम्बन्धित संस्थाहरुले हाम्रा सभासद् तथा नेतृत्व तहको भदौसम्ममा संविधान मस्यौदा गर्ने तथा शान्ति प्रक्रिया सम्पन्न गर्नेमा उहाँहरुको समयको कति महत्व छ भन्ने बुझ्नुभएको छ र त्यसलाई सम्मान गर्नुहुन्छ भन्नेमा विश्वस्त छौं ।
विगत तीन वर्षहरुमा नेपाली नागरिकहरुले सभासद्हरुलाई नेपाली नागरिकहरुका विश्वव्यापी मानव अधिकारको सुनिश्चितता गर्ने बलियो लोकतान्त्रिक संविधान बनाउने अभिभारा सुम्पिएर पठाएका हुन् । तर बिडम्बना नै भन्नुपर्दछ, धेरै समय सत्ताको लुछाचुँडी तथा आरोप प्रत्यारोपमा नै बित्यो । हाम्रो विचारमा यस अवस्थालाई यस संस्थालगायत अन्यहरुले विभिन्न शीर्षकमा प्रायोजन गर्ने गरेका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय भ्रमणहरुले झन् विकराल बनाइदियो । त्यस्ता भ्रमणहरुको उद्देश्य यहाँ चलिरहेका विभिन्न प्रक्रियाहरुलाई समर्थन गर्ने तथा क्षमता अभिवृद्धि गर्ने थिए तर त्यहाँ सिकेका सीपहरु अझै कार्यान्वयन भएका छैनन् । संविधान निर्माण तथा शान्ति प्रक्रिया सम्पन्न गर्ने कामहरु कति समय संवेदनशील छ भन्ने सम्बन्धित संस्थालाई अवगतै छ ।
हामीलाई विश्वास छ हामी सँगसँगै तपाईंले पनि नेपालले सामना गरिरहनुपरेका आर्थिक गतिहीनता, कानुनी शासनको अभावजस्ता विभिन्न विषयहरु अधुरो संविधान निर्माण तथा शान्ति प्रक्रियाको स्थितिबाट सिर्जित अविश्वास तथा तनावको सिकार भैरहेका छन् भन्ने महसुस गर्नुभएकै छ । यस पत्रबाट हामी तपाईंलाई आफ्नो विवेक प्रयोग गरी लोकतान्त्रिक तथा स्थिर नेपालको यस अभियानमा सहयोग पु-याईदिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौं ।
यस संस्था सहभागी दातृ समुदायबाट हालसालै लिइएका दुई कदमहरु धन्यवादका पात्र छन् र तिनीहरुलाई निरन्तरता दिनु जरुरी छ । बेलायती सहयोगी संस्था डीएफआईडी ले देशव्यापी बन्द आयोजना गर्ने एक गैरसरकारी संस्थालाई सहयोग रोक्का गर्ने गरेको निर्णय तथा अमेरिकी दूताबासले बन्द आयोजकहरुलाई अमेरिकी भीसा नदिने भन्ने गरेको निर्णय नवीन तथा नितान्त आवश्यक थिए । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय भ्रमणलाई निषेध गर्नु एक एकदमै प्रभावकारी औजार हो र हामी त्यस संस्थालगायतलाई उक्त कदमलाई प्रभावकारी रुपमा लागू गर्न जोडदार अपिल गर्दछौं । वास्तवमा सबै क्षेत्रका नेपालीबाट यो बारम्बार व्यक्त भैरहने विचार हो ।
हाम्रो विश्वास छ हाम्रा यी लक्ष्यहरु बहुमत नेपालीहरुको आकांक्षालाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछन् र त्यस संस्थाको मूल्य मान्यतासँग पनि मेल खान्छन् । हामी आशा राख्दछौं त्यस सँस्थाले हाम्रो आग्रहलाई स्वीकार गर्नेछ ।
परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक
यस अभियानको बारेमा थप जानकारीको लागि लिंकमा थिच्नुहोस् ।
PRESSURE WORKS - Trip to US Cancelled

Great! Right moves have to be lauded. So kudos committee members - on seeing sense in the untimeliness of such a trip! Give us the constitution in time and you can have a paid holiday in Khaptad National Park (why spend our money in another country?) courtesy the Nepali people!
And in the hope that such trips would not happen in the future too, a pre-emptive move by the Nepali people came in the form of a OPEN LETTER - which should hit the Daily papers and the internet today - urging all donors, embassies and INGO's not to fund such travel.
Youth Group - COME ON YOUTH Stand Up! had also announced a picketing program at the airport this morning which according to Facebook commitments to attend, would have made quite a show!
One small success! We have miles to go! Keep up the PRESSURE!
Secretly, even the Lawmakers will thank us for it! Join
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Stop Funding International Travel for all 601 CA Lawmakers: Open letter
Dear Donors, INGO's and Embassies,
We, the concerned citizens of Nepal, are united in our resolve to hold our government accountable in their conduct and ensure transparency in their actions. We believe that this campaign is in accordance to your stated goal of supporting democratic values and human rights in Nepal. Hence, we would like to request you to stop funding all international travels for our 601 Constituent Assembly (CA) lawmakers and senior politicians of all political parties until the expiry of the extended term of the CA for the next three months. We are certain that you understand and appreciate the value of their time for the country – for them to wholeheartedly focus on completing the peace and constitution drafting process by August, 2011.
Over the last three years, Nepali citizens entrusted our CA lawmakers to draft a strong democratic constitution that will enshrine the universal rights of every Nepali citizen. Unfortunately, too much time was lost in political bickering, blatant power-plays and blame-games. We believe that these delays have been exacerbated by extensive international travels funded by agencies such as yours. While we understand that such trips contribute to capacity building and were intended to support the process, those skills are yet to translate into actions. Completion of the peace process and constitution drafting is both essential and time-sensitive.
We are certain that, along with us, you have also witnessed how the myriad of other serious issues Nepal faces, from economic stalemate, slow and often halted development efforts, to absence of rule to law, have continued to be a “hostage” to the tensions and mistrust that arise from this incomplete constitution drafting and peace process. With this letter, we are requesting you to act on your conscience and support the cause for a democratic and stable Nepal.
There have been two recent efforts from your community that warrant applause and need continuity. DFID’s decision to cut funding to an NGO which has repeatedly called for nation-wide bandhs and the U.S. Embassy’s decision to deny US visas to the organizers of bandhs are both innovative and much-needed. Restricting international travel is one of the most effective "other" tools that can be employed, and we passionately appeal you to enforce it. In fact, it is one of the most recurrent ideas that come from Nepalis from all walks of life.
Our goals reflect, we believe, the aspirations of the majority of the Nepali people and also echoes your values. We hope you will uphold our sincere request.
Nepal Unites
परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक
For more information on the group and its efforts, please visit\nepalunites
परिवर्तनको लागि हामी नेपाली एक (Nepal Unites)
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